Boodigogo Sex News and Commentary For Adults

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][md_text fontsize=”14″ lineheight=”26″ css_animation_delay=”0″]Boodigo was created by site operators and content creators who are also experienced search engine users and advertisers, so we have experienced the best and worst that search engines have to offer. In crafting Boodigo, we’ve eliminated the aspects of other search engines that annoyed or troubled us, and emphasized the elements that made search engines such indispensable tools for navigating the Internet in the first place.

As an offshoot from, we now present, a free news and information media outlet covering search, technology, mainstream censorship of adult content, surfer privacy concerns and other topics of interest.[/md_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][md_accordions expanded=”expanded”][/md_accordions][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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We are opening this site up to PR submissions to everyone in the adult industry for fast publication that we also promote on our social media.  All categories welcome – Performers, film releases, new site launches, new pleasure product, podcast promos, etc.

A few basic rules:

1. All PR must be well-written with a suggested word count of 500 words.
2. Up to three outgoing links is allowed to what you are promoting along with your social media channel.
3. Please take it easy on the use of hype, big huge adjectives and exclamation points at the end of sentences!!!!! ( 😉 ) We simply remove them anyway and it slows down publication.
4. Send along one feature image that is landscape orientation.  We are also happy to include embedded videos if you send the embed iframe.  Sex, nudity, etc is fine and actually encouraged as this site supplements the existing news sites that do not allow such.

Send PR via email as an attached .doc or link to a google doc to

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