Own A Legal Weed Business? Opportunity Awaits!

At Boodigo, we are always pleased to spread the word about new companies and services not just for “porn”, but for any other legal adult interest sites that are traditionally shunned by mainstream search and media outlets.  In  this case, our friends at weedstore.reviews are now accepting applications for legal marijuana growers and distributors a choice of either a free reviewed listing, or a premium review with lots of extra coverage for you to promote your business to interested buyers.

According to Stewart at WeedStore.reviews:

Now that we have all celebrated 420, we are pleased to give you the opportunity to have your business reviewed on WeedStore.Reviews at no charge. As you may already know, we are a rapidly growing review site of medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries nationwide. We actively engage our audience with reviews of weed stores, mobile apps, delicious marijuana infused cooking recipes, instructional videos in our own weed tube, individual reviews of cannabis strains and edible products, along with many informative articles, state by state coverage of legislation and more

Happy 420!

– The WeedStoreReviews Team

But Wait! There’s more!

Become a Featured Store With Plenty of Important Benefits

marijuana reviewsWeedstore.reviews offers many additional benefits for stores that choose to create a Featured weed store review on their site. The cost of becoming a featured store is nominal, and they are currently offering a discounted Early Adopter Package that locks your low price in for as long as you renew it.


Please contact them (link below) to discuss the many benefits and to learn more about the specific ways becoming a featured store on their site can earn you significantly more new customers while helping to support their grass movement community.

 Featured Listings Include:

• Gold Listing Badge

• Top Listed Search Results

• Visibility In The Local Stores Section On Local Review Pages of Other Stores

• A Complete Review Page With Zero Traffic Leaks or Promotion of Other Stores On It

• Your Full Menu Tabbed on Your Review

• Your Own Discount Offers Section on Your Review

• Your Own News Blog Section on Your Review

• The Ability To Respond To User Comments on Your Review

• Inclusion In Our Social Media Campaigns on Twitter, FaceBook, G+, Reddit and Beyond

• B2B Vendor Promotions and Deals From Established Suppliers and Relevant Businesses

• Inclusion In Pre-Roll, Post-Roll and Mid-Roll Video Ads On Our Weed Tube

• Opportunity To Be A Guest On Our Podcast

• Relevant Inclusion In Site News and Advertorial Articles


 Much More Coming Soon:

• Prominent Display on Map Search Results

• Visibility On Relevant Weed Strain Review Pages

• Custom Menu Maker With Site Agnostic RSS Feed Generation

• Inclusion In Their iOS and Android Apps


My hope is that there will soon be a listing of banks and merchant processors that allow legal weed business so folks in the legal marijuana biz can stop stuffing all of their cash in the mattress!

If you would like to promote your legal weed business on weedstore.reviews, send Stewart an email at contact@weedstorereviews.com, and be sure to say that Boogido sent you to get a little extra love!

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We are opening this site up to PR submissions to everyone in the adult industry for fast publication that we also promote on our social media.  All categories welcome – Performers, film releases, new site launches, new pleasure product, podcast promos, etc.

A few basic rules:

1. All PR must be well-written with a suggested word count of 500 words.
2. Up to three outgoing links is allowed to what you are promoting along with your social media channel.
3. Please take it easy on the use of hype, big huge adjectives and exclamation points at the end of sentences!!!!! ( 😉 ) We simply remove them anyway and it slows down publication.
4. Send along one feature image that is landscape orientation.  We are also happy to include embedded videos if you send the embed iframe.  Sex, nudity, etc is fine and actually encouraged as this site supplements the existing news sites that do not allow such.

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